About me
I am Ildikó Dallos-Nagy.
I was born in Hajdúnánás in 1989, now living in Debrecen. Although my interest in drawing and painting was already manifested in my childhood, I did not study in that direction. During my school years, I wanted to satisfy my desire for arts with a variety of skills and hobby-level fine arts activities, looking for the right trend and professional line. Although I have unfortunately missed this trend during my studies, painting and drawing have always remained as hobbies. More seriously, I got closer to art at Medgyessy Ferenc Secondary School in Debrecen just after graduation, where I got an OKJ degree, but as a graphic artist. Consequently, in the field of traditional fine arts I mostly train myself, trying to try and learn as many different techniques and materials as possible, sometimes even completely get away from painting. Because I really love animals, plants and beautiful landscapes, most often I like to capture the beauties of nature in my works. I like to use my own inspirations for them, to walk in nature, to absorb its energy and to create what comes from my soul.
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